This project aims to build common understanding on student autonomy between student union leaders and their consultants, facilitate knowledge transfer and networking between past and current leaders, and establish a communications network. For this, we hold the following courses and events:
1.Student Union Achievements Exhibition:
This event guides student unions to undertake organizational self-assessments, establishes a communication network between schools, and assists the establishment and development of autonomous student organizations.
2.Student Union Camp—Passing On Experience and Transforming:
This camp includes a variety of courses and simulation exercises that train student union leadership talent and equip new leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to run a student union.
3.Student Union Specialist Courses:
In response to the requirements of student unions in different schools, we allow student unions to arrange their own training courses according to their contexts and knowledge needs.
4.Student Union Consultant Supervisor Convention:
We have established a communication network for supervisors of student union consultants and helped build consensus on guidance for student unions. The network improves communication and exchanges between consultant supervisors in different schools.