To strengthen college and university career counseling mechanisms, we help college and university students develop their careers, so after graduation they can seamlessly find suitable work. YDA has strengthened relevant policy development to help schools improve the impact of their services. Starting 2017, we set up regional college and university career counseling coordinating schools, and organized specific programs to offer schools resources, to together help students do career planning between semesters.
2.Program content
(1)The targets of the plan are Taiwanese public and private colleges and universities (not including military and police academies and the Open University). Through the below methodology, we help colleges and universities smoothly carry out career counseling work, while effectively achieving resource integration and experience sharing. There is one regional coordinating school for each of the north, center and south regions of Taiwan, which hold networking meetings, management capacity building events, experience sharing exchanges between schools within the region, and briefings on promotional models, to establish an overall career counselling work network.
- We provide funding for schools to promote career counseling work, through lectures, visits, career counseling, career courses, workplace experience and other activities to help students improve their career development.
- We select and give awards to the best career counseling results, to encourage schools to value career development work, motivate career counseling staff to stay passionate about their work, and help schools learn from each other.
- We hold college and university career counselor training, to advance the professional knowledge of frontline student service staff, and universalize career counseling work.
- We run a national college and university career counseling management conference and have established the YDA Career Counseling Information Platform. Through the conference and platform, schools can exchange experiences and improve the effectiveness of career counseling.
- We organize a “Survey of Current Practices and Results of College and University Career Counseling” to gauge how schools are promoting career counseling, to follow trends and changes, and provide a reference for policy development.
(2)Program period: Annually from January 1 to December 31.